Patch Notes: 1

Hi Guys!

This is a mini-update that was uploaded on Sunday. It came to my attention that it didn't appear. So my bad on this one. Anyway, these are minors changes that I could do quickly. I'm cooking up bigger things for the future, stay tuned for that.

Mini Update:

I fixed some bugs and added some adjustments to make it easier to play.

  • Easier to return the ball at a certain angle
  • Character is a bit faster
  • Added fans animation during scoring and pre-serving
  • Can return the ball if close to the circle, but the shot can't be manipulated and is weaker
  • Changed menu design

Up Coming: 

  • 2 game mechanics
  • Tutorial


Super Wobbly Tennis W.I.P 43 MB
Feb 09, 2020

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